Monalia's World

Observations on a New Life in Spain

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Category: Living in Europe


15 June, 2008 (04:01) | Living in Europe | By: admin

Mark and I have a unique ability to get ourselves engaged in wonderful scenarios where we are embraced by local people. Last month it was the calçots party in the country where we picked 400 calçot onions and grilled them, dipped them in romanescu sauce and devoured them, getting our hands and clothes dirty and […]

Sound Design Gypsy

12 June, 2008 (10:07) | Living in Europe | By: admin

Mark does most of the online grunt work of our company. I help him with big decisions, but overall he does a lot without any help from me. My job is mostly creative, plus balancing the books, doing payroll, etc. (which only takes up my time once a month.) I get to name the collections […]

Catalán Poetry and Philosophy

11 June, 2008 (14:17) | Living in Europe | By: admin

Last night our friend Nuria invited us to a poetry reading by a Catalån poet. We had no idea what to expect, but the flyer looked intriguing, saying the poem would be accompanied by 2 Bhagra dancers. The title of the poem is “Mel”, which means “honey” in Catalån. The poetry performance begins with the […]