September in California 2010
I spent the month of September in Los Angeles visiting my mother, family and old friends. Mark stayed home to hold down the fort with his dog Haka, and I set out to USA with my dog Quixote as carry-on baggage.
I haven’t blogged in awhile and am way behind. This will be a quick blog with a few photos…
Quixote, the world traveler goes to USA…
I arrived in Santa Monica on a Thursday and that night my brother took me and my nephew Buckley to a free concert on the Pier by Dr. John:
Here I insert a couple of photos of my mom, who will be 83 in April:
While in L.A. I was able to meet up with old friends as well as family, but my blog is meant to focus on travel and (expat) life in Spain, so I won’t write a lengthy narrative about my trip home.
In fact, let me cut to the chase – a highlight was hiking in Malibu plus visiting old haunts, so I will share a few photos and then on to my next “catch-up” blog, which will be about our recent trip to Morocco.
My girlfriend Michelle still lives in Paradise Cove, in the trailer park. Since the days when I lived in Paradise Cove, a handful of stars have bought trailers there, so celebrity sightings are very common in what was formerly an affordable, working class neighborhood mostly inhabited by surfers, waitresses, UPS employees, etc. Michelle and her husband Dwight are among the handful of my old friends still living there. Although I can´t imagine Michelle living anywhere else, she says if “one of those big stars” makes her and Dwight an offer they can’t refuse, they will inevitably move on, though she doesn’t see that happening anytime soon. There is only one big star living on her little lower gulch strip (Jacob Dylan). She rarely sees him, though she does see lots of hoodlum teenagers hanging out there…
Mark and I lived on the beach in Paradise Cove over 15 years ago, in the days when my former dog Pukka was a puppy. As tempting as it is, I will not digress and tell stories of long ago, nor will I share all the wonderful photos I took on my Malibu hikes on this trip, for I have another blog to do after this one, which should almost catch me up to here and now…
I took so may fantastic photos while in California for the month, but I really just want to move this blog forward. My photo albums are all viewable on facebook… But I leave you with a couple parting photos:
it is now mid January, my life here at the beach in Barcelona has been sunny and event filled. I will eventually blog about my new neighborhood and the characters, sounds, images that people it. Since my last blog I bought my own little music studio which is separate from the big, fancy Partners in Rhyme studio. I am now able to live, create, breathe music without leaving home.
Here I share a couple “catch up” photos; one of my new studio and one of the tennis trophy I won a few months ago but haven’t had time to blog about:

At the moment I’m just collecting images and sounds as well as writing music.
I returned to Spain with the lasting impression of my mother, the “82 year old swinger.” It was inspiring to spend time with her and someday I may write a book about it.
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